Sandblasting / cleaning machines

We produce abrasive blasting machines (sandblasters), small and large-size: tank capacity from 25l to 6m3.

Large-scale blasting machines are devices used for abrasive blasting. The principle of their usage is similar to a standard (sandblasting machine), but the available tank volumes are much larger – from 500 to as much as 8,000 liters (0.5 m³ – 8 m³).

Szatkowski cabin cleaners are used for abrasive blasting of elements inside the cabin. The operator performs work in special protective gloves, using the sanding nozzle inside the device.

A mobile dust-free cleaning system with high cleaning efficiency (for dust-free solutions), with a complete suction system based on a side-channel fan.

The usage of the blasting cleaner is based on the use of a mixture of compressed air and baking soda (NaHCO3).